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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Lamborghini Aventador and Mr Kanye West

You guys remember Mr Kanye West? The singing kind? From the US of A? Yeah, the one who grabbed the microphone from poor Ms Taylor Swift when she was delivering her acceptance speech on stage for best video performance a couple of years back. Also he who managed to impregnate one particular Ms K Kardashian, she of the famed TV reality show? That's right; that Mr Kanye West. Now Mr. West is a rather moneyed person with a huge collection of fancy cars. One of them is a Lambo Aventador.

Last week Mr West's Lambo (worth a reported $750,000) was hit by a closing gate outside the impregnated Ms K Kardashian's house in Beverly Hills. But this time Mr. West really can blame someone else: The guy who was behind the wheel of the car – reportedly returning it from a service appointment – took a few seconds too long to drive it through the electric gate after it opened, and it ended up shutting right on the pricey set of wheels. Yikes!
As for the damage, it's unclear how extensive it is, but we're sure Mr Kanye West did not lose any sleep over it …after all Mr West, one assumes, must be very proud indeed to have been able to mount Ms K Kard and impregnate her...

...but one wonder if he can mount and impregnate a Lamborghini?

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